The Quiet Lanes
Quiet Lanes are an initiative of the Countryside Agency, supported by the Department for Transport (DfT). They are intended to form a network of country lanes suitable for walkers, cyclists and riders alike with the entry and exit points of each Quiet Lane clearly signed. Motorists are encouraged to practise greater awareness of the possible presence of non-motorised users,
The first scheme was a national pilot project and implemented in Spring 2000, occupying a triangle of North East Norfolk, from Cromer to Bacton along the coastal area, and inland to North Walsham. This area was chosen because it is within the North Norfolk Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and has a good network of existing minor roads. There are 59km of Quiet Lanes, on ‘C’ or ‘U’ class roads which represents about a third of the highway network in the area.
The Quiet Lanes schemes aim to make minor rural links better for road users and encourage motorists to use the most suitable routes and ask all users to be considerate towards each other when travelling on a Quiet Lane.
They are intended to form a network of country lanes, providing links to the public footpath and bridleway networks, suitable for use by walkers, cyclists and equestrians with the aim of helping to preserve the character and tranquillity of rural areas and encouraging an increase in pleasure use, whilst maintaining vehicular access.