County Broadband
County Broadband wrote to our Chairman on 1st October 2021, which you can read here, to make him aware that they would like to build parish wide broadband networks in Knapton and the surrounding parishes and to recruit the Parish Council’s support as part of their marketing strategy.
We are on record as saying that we want every Knapton Parish resident to be able to enjoy a high quality, reliable broadband service that meets today’s demands and County are offering a solution which does just that, thereby removing the inconsistency of the location lottery and giving every resident in our parish a choice they’ve not had before.
The construction of this network requires significant investment from County Broadband but we need to establish there is enough demand in your community for receiving this future-ready service. If we can reach our target uptake of 28%, we will be able to commence our plans to ensure you can access a future-ready service.
Lloyd Felton | CEO