Local Police

Our local beat officers

We are lucky to have two Beat Officers, each with over 20yrs experience, covering our area at a time when all the parishes around us only have one.

Both Paul and Emma are nice people, very approachable and dedicated to keeping our parish as a safe place to live, work and visit as possible.

Paul is working with the Parish Council on our Road Safety initiatives and with our villager-led SpeedWatch team to help them achieve the results which we hope will lead to police enforcement of the speed limit on Knapton Road.

You can follow our local Police on social media

Safer Neighbourhood Team

The Neighbourhood Team is keen to make it’s presence felt to promote confidence in the community.

Policing today takes a very different format from yesteryear, with Cybercrime and County Lines changing the criminal dynamics.   But it’s good to know that policing in Norfolk is adapting to meet these threats, as well as maintaining tangible presence.

Teresa Futter image

Inspector Teresa Futter
Local Policing Commander
Tel: 101  Extension: 1174

Peter Davison image

PC Peter Davison
Engagement Officer | 313
Tel: 101  Extension: 1058

The Local Policing Commander, Inspector Teresa Futter, heads up a group of Safer Neighbourhood Teams.

Peter Davison, the Engagement Officer, provides us with our Cluster 10 Police Newsletter, providing the monthly crime figures for the local parishes, upcoming events and the current Neighbourhood Priorities.

Peter also co-ordinates Community SpeedWatch.

Monthly Newsletter

Each month, our local Inspector, Teresa Futter, produces a monthly newsletter which provides crime statistics and updates for the previous month as well as introductions our local officers.
